The Pencil Guy: Hourann's illogical blog

Bye bye Geoff …

It’s only just been reported that Geoff Gallop is resigning from WA politics on account of suffering from depression.

I won’t gush about him being a great man, like his Labour colleagues probably will, although he certainly hasn’t been a bad premier. (Whether he’s been any good is another matter …) However I hope this will do something to raise public awareness about mental illness and give some recognition to the fact that depression tends to strike people without any warning signs. At least he’ll be spared the toll of fighting another election in three years’ time.

P.S. there would have been other posts — and other unintelligible comments — about Daniel’s LAN if, er, there was anything exciting to post! Unfortunately it quietened down a bit towards the end, so we just played lots of Quake and tower defence.

  1. I was quite saddened when I heard this news. I personally think he is a great man, and a good leader. Here is hoping he has a full recovery.

  2. More tower defence? Booo! Who succumbed to the playing of that?

    PS I though Geoff was pretty good too. Freeway work FTW!

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