The Pencil Guy: Hourann's illogical blog

Nonsense ahead …

Sometime around now, I’d meant to write a political rant, but nothing that interesting’s been happening lately. We have an awesome new stadium design that will take forever to build, Peter Costello is pandering to the talkback crowd again (though in fairness, I don’t disagree with everything he said), and some dude in the US administration is being roasted for something involving a gun. Meh.

I could instead whine about Seven’s winter olympics coverage — they showed an entire twenty minutes over the two weeks of curling, even though it’s quite possibly the greatest sport in the known universe. And that’s before you consider the nude calendar or music video produced by some of the women’s competitors.

Also, albeit unrelated, this is awesome.

  1. Curling is awesome.

    Unrelated: your link broke.

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