The Pencil Guy: Hourann's illogical blog

Web maps that don’t suck!

The things you find when you’re procrastinating.

For the longest time, I’ve tolerated the great annoyance known as WhereIs because I thought there were no alternatives. But I’ve just discovered I was wrong!

ZoomIn is like Google Maps. For Australia.

The funniest thing of all: turns out that much of the Google Maps team are based at their Sydney office … which their own product can’t show :-)

  1. Thanks–consider it bookmarked!

  2. I was attempting to use WhereIs this morning… once I entered the address, the server sat and thought about that for several minutes and then reported that “WhereIs is currently undergoing an upgrade”.

    Now Hourann posts this. I’m tempted to block at firewall level to remind me if I happen to lose sanity for a few moments and attempt to visit the site.

    Nice work, Hourann!

  3. [...] Hot on the heels of ZoomIn: Google Maps (but not Google Earth) finally has Australian road data! [...]

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