The Pencil Guy: Hourann's illogical blog

Attack of the happy snap!

Saturday 4 February 2006 at 10:08 am

I received my SmartRider last Monday, and it’s been working quite nicely since (except for small issues tagging off on two occasions). So what does any non-self-respecting person issued with an unlimited free bus ticket do? Why, I turned into a tourist in my own town, of course!

Yesterday’s destination was Hillarys Boat Harbour (which I’ve not visited since I was this high). After a near-death experience involving a wave that looks suspiciously tsunami-like, I wandered past several boats whose owners forgot that Aussie Day was last week, and an Astra convertible owner who I sincerely hope has used their handbrake.

Beware waves of doom! Flying the flag high Expensive yacht, expensive car

On my way back through the city, I couldn’t help but notice the old Treasury building, looking none too shabby since its restoration, is so lifeless that it lacks even a flag for its pole. Meanwhile, Exchange Plaza had developed quite a nice aura.

The lifeless old Treasury building Skyscraper from the heavens!

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