The Pencil Guy: Hourann's illogical blog

Road closed

Thursday 6 October 2005 at 7:53 pm

Despite my best efforts last December, my local government (that authority that is always acting in our best interests and is never wrong) has decided to close Miguel Road, the main connecting road across from my house. Lest I be accused of thoughtcrime, it seems I can’t complain otherwise. It will soon be necessary to do a grand loop on five roads to get anywhere from my house.

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It was a council truck!

Saturday 6 November 2004 at 3:34 pm

So yesterday I was preparing to leave home in the morning, along with my parents (all in the same car, no less), when we suddenly discovered that leaving our own garage wasn’t going to be as simple as we’d thought. A City of Cockburn truck had parked on the verge, opposite our house. Right in front of our driveway. We started moving out, and the guys in the truck just stared. I really wonder about council workers sometimes …

P.S. if any ex-Self.netters are reading this, I shall just remind you of the new group blog that I set up.

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