The Pencil Guy: Hourann's illogical blog


I get quite a bit of spam … and sometimes I get things that are just plain bizarre. Today, two of my addresses received a weird environmentalist spam mailout, one using a From address out of the federal government solicitor’s office, and another claiming to be from a person at the NSW health department. At least one other person has made similar observations.

“Save innocent native animals with one click”.Bad joke?

Someone must stop these meaningless bloody murders.

Please, take your time to read our petition to The Speaker And The Members Of Assembly. Sign for it and save lives of innocent animals.

“Members of Assembly” is a (grammatically wrong) reference to the MPs in Tasmania’s House of Assembly, equivalent to WA’s Legislative Assembly. Upon realising that, I was left wondering … why on earth do these spammers think I would care about Tasmanian politics?

The message goes on to whine about 1080 poison, which is used here in a fairly effective baiting programme against feral foxes because many native animals in WA are immune to its effects. However, it is apparently used in Tasmania to kill native animals around tree plantations.

Another way you can help us to save innocent animals is to spread our petition among all the people you know: We are struggling for the future of our planet, please help us.

While I appreciate that killing native animals just to make a buck is a very bad thing indeed, it’s not exactly going to destroy the entire planet. Why do I need to be spammed about it?!

Interestingly, if you visit that site and scroll down, then copy and paste the name of the “foundation” that claims to have started the petition into Google, the first link you get is not about charity, but about dogs.

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