The Pencil Guy: Hourann's illogical blog

A child for your country?

I was considering ranting about a few different things today, such as the rained-out Anzac Day parade, the worrying developments in US copyright law (that may well be copied over here), or the UN’s rather depressing new report on human trafficking.

But then I read today’s newspaper and saw the full-page ad by some crackpot in western Sydney that’s trying to get people to go and pop out a few more kids.

What the?!

How on earth do these people figure that (assuming their campaign is wildly successful) an Australia of 25 million will be able to achieve anything that the Australia of 20 million cannot?

Fortunately, the site’s forums seem to have already been hijacked by people who agree :-)

Update 26 Apr: It seems the crackpots don’t like to hear dissenting opinions — they went and pulled the forums from the site. Also, see some other comments on the ad.

  1. First Costello instructs us to have “one for the husband, one for the wife, and one for the country.” Then Dana Vale warns that the declining birthrate means that Australia will soon be overrun by the Saracen hordes. And now this. The wingnuts have truly taken over the asylum.

  2. Dana’s a fruit loop.

    Costello has the right idea though. From a purely economic viewpoint at least.

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