The Pencil Guy: Hourann's illogical blog

Phone spam attack!

First there was e-mail spam. Although I’ve been getting a massive influx of it lately, between SpamAssasin and Thunderbird I’m coping okay. (P.S. if you receive spam from [email protected], it’s not me, I swear!)

Then there was comment spam. I was (and am) mildly annoyed, but Akismet is awesome.

But now I’m being spammed on my mobile phone! Some months ago a crazy marketing company called me and lots of other people to try to get us to use some premium 1900 service. Today I got a missed call from 0381029565, and 4 Wise Monkeys confirms that it’s the same firm doing the same thing. Again. Grrr.

  1. Cheers for the link to 4wm mate – the more people that know about this scam the better it is for us to put a stop to them.

  2. no way i got called by the same number

  3. so did i how annoying

  4. Thanks for the link back to 4wm!

  5. Hey I just got called by the same number… I thought i’d check it out on the net to see if it came from a company and this is where is took me…has anyone reported this? And do they know why it is happening?

  6. Well, the Monkeys have done an outstanding job researching this scam and chasing its perpetrators. However it seems government regulators don’t care, probably because (AFAIK) there’s no law prohibiting what they are doing :-(

  7. Yea same here..i actually got a missed call 2 min ago..was going to call back, but i thought i’d take a chance and look it up on the net, thankfully i found out it was spam, thanks guys

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